Actress Mandana Karimi became the latest target of fanatic trolls after she posted a photo on Instagram in which she can be seen relaxing on a beach with just sand covering her body.
Here’s what the trolls had to say about Mandana and why they need to be slayed:
Troll Attack 1: Mandana will “burn in hell” as she is a “blot on Islam”
Firstly, there are many nude beaches in this world, where it is completely legal and normal to be nude.
Mandana hasn't done any one harm or ‘haram’ by posting this photo.
When will trolls make peace with the fact that India is a free country and that everyone living here has a choice, including women. Just like religious fanatics have a choice to be the way they are, Mandana too has a choice.
No religion is so weak that a single photo could sunder it.
There are so many people who are killing in the name of religion. Shouldn't bigots be wishing punishment on them? The act of killing innocents is a bigger blot on a religion than someone going nude.
And just for an argument sake, if we accept that Mandana's pic is anti-Islam, why have bigots presumed that she is a practicing Muslim. She could well be an atheist.
Therefore, trolls asking Mandana to remove Karimi from her name, should mind their own business and not look at photographs they find offensive.
Troll Attack 2: Mandana’s husband divorced her because she’s shameless
Firstly, there is no official word on whether Mandana and her husband have divorced. The last word on their relationship was that they had separated after Mandana filed a police complaint of domestic violence by her in-laws.
Personal attacks are the forte of trolls. It is time they made fact-checking one as well.
Troll Attack 3: Mandana should be ashamed for doing this during Ramzan
Ah! the same old chant of “this is not allowed in Ramzan”.
Is using filthy language during Ramzan allowed? Is having depraved thoughts okay?
Why can't these fundamentalists stay off social media during this holy month?
It is time we stopped middle-men and their religious diktats.
Troll Attack 4: Mandana should join the porn industry as she is in the business of exhibiting her body for money
Mandana is mature enough to decide what she should be doing. If she wants to join the porn industry, that’s her wish, if she doesn’t want to, that too is her wish and hers only.
Trolls need to find alternative careers for themselves instead.
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