Every time Hina Khan posts a picture, she sets social media on fire. And it appears, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Haiactress is going to break the internet once again. We are not exaggerating. Recently, she posted a series of sultry pictures on her Instagram page, where she can be seen covering her modesty with white strapless short jumpsuit teamed up with a beaded trench coat from KARLEO. The nude lipper and soft-curls complete her ‘oh-so hot’ look. She knows it quite well how to keep her 3.1 million followers on Instagram engaged. Hina keeps posting hot pictures of herself on her social media pages every now and then.
She captioned one of the photo very beautifully, by saying “Be ignited or be gone! 🔥”.
On the work front, the glamorous Hina Khan is working in a short film, Smart Phone. Even though Hina revealed her look from the film in one of her Instagram posts, the release date has not been revealed yet. She even came in one of the Punjabi songs ”Bhasudi’ with famous Punjabi singer Sonu Thakur, who is known for his hit songs like Dhol Speaker.
On the work front, the glamorous Hina Khan is working in a short film, Smart Phone. Even though Hina revealed her look from the film in one of her Instagram posts, the release date has not been revealed yet. She even came in one of the Punjabi songs ”Bhasudi’ with famous Punjabi singer Sonu Thakur, who is known for his hit songs like Dhol Speaker.
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